Somehow, this evening I suddenly felt an intense feeling of belonging to sea, to the Nature. It kinda like the voice of my soul in response to the call of the Nature, in a way, I now find the feeling is extremely like the one of Tristan (a role in Legends of the Fall acted by Brad Pitt) that his running wild horse in his mind wants to seek for some inner peace, for he is plagued with guilt over Samuel’s death and feels responsible for driving Alfred away after he returns home.

The feeling, however, didn’t last very long, say about an hour (maybe 40 minutes), but it was amazingly fantastic – I just wanted to go wild, be wild about the sea, the ocean, the mountain, the cloud, the sky, the sun, everything, everything in the Nature. Then gone, leaving a piece of calm and peace, like the water in the lake, so peaceful.

(By the way, these beautiful images are downloaded from Pixabay, you can find a tremendous number of stunning free images there.)